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  • Ronnie Qi

Spring Break AOP

Today is the day, Spring Break is finally here.

The Apprentice of Peace Spring Training starts Today.

There is so much to be excited about, we are creating a New Era of Peace by challenging the youth to be their best. Supplying them with the opportunity to step up to that challenge. They will Understand the formula of what it means to be An Apprentice of peace and how to apply the realization, the committed effort and accepting principles of change to their life for change and success.

Through our Realizations we'll be determining changes needed for self, community and the world, to help us become a better person. Our Committed effort will gives us the ability to be accountable to our realizations. Helping us creates a platform for discipline, which makes us wise and puts us in position to make better decisions because we are aware of the consequences of not being our best.

The Apprentice of peace Apprentices understand how they can become their best through the realization, the committed effort and accepting principles of change. they will learn the titles and roles. The Apprentice of peace is leader of the unit and responsible for final decisions concerning Peace team Demonstration and operation.

Peacekeepers and Peacemakers are responsible for promoting the specifics ideas of A.O.P principles and the importance of our reach and overall programs goals.

This is our G.P.S-Our Goal, Plan and strategy for change. Today we move forward into uncharted territory as we start the Official recruitment of The Apprentice's of Peace.

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